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Massie, LCSW 519 Solano Street, Suite C Corning CA 96021 (530) 586-7050 Corning Observer 1208 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 828-9941 Corning City Pool (Teddy Pohlers Memo... Corning City Pool (Teddy Pohlers Memorial Pool) 1414 Colusa St Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-7062 Corning Grocery Outlet 663 Edith Avenue Corning CA 96021 (775) 560-4949 Corning Fire Department 814 Fifth Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-7044 Corning Ford 2280 Short Drive Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-5434 City of Corning - Public Works City of Corning - Public Works 794 Third Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-7025 Carly Turnes Carly Turnes Corning CA 96021-0871 (530) 824-5550 Corning Chevrolet-Buick 2087 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-5171 Classic Touch 1873 Hwy 99W Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-1631 4950 Allison Parkway, Units B & C Vacaville CA 95688 (209) 497-6410 Chico Chamber Chico Chamber 180 E 4th Street Suite 120 Chico CA 95928 (530) 891-5556 Corning High School - Cardinal Nest 643 Blackburn Avenue Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-8000 Corning Christian Assistance - CCA PO Box 872 Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-3866 Corning Senior Center 1015 4th Avenue Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-4727 Clear Creek Sports Club 2655 Everett Freeman Way Corning CA 96021 (530) 520-9464 Corning Chamber of Commerce 1110 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-5550 Congressman Doug LaMalfa Congressman Doug LaMalfa 2885 Churn Creek Rd Suite C Redding CA 96002 (530) 223-5898 Corning Police Department Corning Police Department 794 Third Ave Corning CA 96021 (530) 520-7403 Card Plumbing 1135 4th Avenue Corning CA 96021 (530) 354-1120 Cairo's Floral & Gifts 1208 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-2050 Corning Sunset Hills Cemetery 4470 Oren Ave. Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-2255 Crystal Linnet-Weston Crystal Linnet-Weston 474 1st Street Corning CA 96021 CUHS Parents Club 643 Blackburn Ave. Corning CA 96021 (530) 321-8998 Corning Mini Storage 606 2nd Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-5588 Corning Waste Management 3281 Hwy 99W Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-4700 Cutterbilt Aero Services 930 N. Marguerite Ave Corning CA 96021 (702) 375-9466 CA Tribal TANF Partnership 1022 Jefferson St Pauline Mattoon Red Bluff CA 96080 (209) 257-6155 Chata's Brunchies 710 - 4th Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 238-5307 City of Corning - Recreation 794 Third St. Corning CA 96021-0871 (530) 824-7036 Corning Museum 1110 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-5622 Carniceria Dos Amigos 2003 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-5799 Corning Auto Center 1820 Solano Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-1357 City of Corning - Building & Safety City of Corning - Building & Safety 794 Third Street Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-7027 Connie Olson - Paparazzi 24765 Post Ave Orland CA 95963 (904) 509-0757 Century 21 Select Real Estate, Inc. 1607 Solano St, Corning, California Corning CA 96021 (530) 824-4101